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    2300 Arden Way
    Sacramento, CA, 95841
  • CALL US (916) 348-0777
Ocean Breeze Spray by Teleflora

Ocean Breeze Spray by Teleflora


The "Ocean Breeze Spray" by Teleflora is a heartfelt and elegant tribute designed to express deep condolences and convey admiration, affection, and respect. This spray is crafted with a thoughtful selection of flowers that evoke the serene and calming essence of an ocean breeze. The arrangement may feature a combination of soothing blue and green blooms, symbolizing tranquility and hope for the future. Presented on an easel, the "Ocean Breeze Spray" serves as a beautiful and meaningful expression of sympathy during a difficult time of loss. Its gentle colors and graceful design offer comfort to those grieving, providing a source of solace and a tribute to the cherished memories of the departed.

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