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    4900 Madison Avenue
    Sacramento, CA, 95841
  • CALL US (916) 348-0777
Splendid Surprise by Teleflora

Splendid Surprise by Teleflora


Prepare for a Splendid Surprise by Teleflora – an arrangement as sweet as can be. This delightful ensemble features green miniature hydrangea and lavender roses thoughtfully arranged in our adorable fuchsia cube. With a perfect blend of colors, including purple alstroemeria and maroon miniature carnations accented with greens, this arrangement is a visual delight. Delivered in Teleflora's glass fuchsia cube, it measures approximately 10 1/2 inches tall. With our same-day flower delivery, you can effortlessly share this charming surprise, bringing joy and beauty into any space or extending heartfelt sentiments to someone special.

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